Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

Ya know, it’s been a long time since I felt that child-like giddiness anticipating a new game. This trailer makes me feel like I’m getting a brand-new Super Nintendo game all over again (ok, ok, maybe the Dark Souls II trailer evoked a similar reaction).

The music, the characters, the setting, the explosions. There’s already so much to appreciate at the face-value of this trailer. It doesn’t inform us on what playing the game will be like as much as the other trailers did, but damn this sure as hell has the most style.


Ah, the good ol’ minigun . . . we meet again. I also love the Hurt Lockeresque outfit here.

Seeing so much depth and reality through the dialogue between Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in this trailer feels refreshing; I already want to know more about all three of them. Michael, however, is presented in the spotlight more than the others in this trailer, and because of this his story has intrigued me the most.



“My psychotic best friend shows up out of nowhere . . .” he says, “. . . to torture me over mistakes I made over a decade ago!” This ex-criminal was living the life all criminals dream of living: rich, relaxed, and clean. He got away with it! He was there, man. Yet, even after “making it,” he seems to yearn for the chaos and lawlessness he once loved so much; as if it is now an inevitable part of his nature. It’s an itch that a comfortable, serene life won’t get rid of.

September 17th can’t come soon enough.

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